Irontech Upraded Skeleton
The Upraded Skeleton is an individually customizable option for TPE love dolls by Irontech Doll.
The upgraded skeleton uses a new neck connector without a thread.
Similar types are used in most modern dolls, from Doll Sweet over Doll House 168 'EVO' to JY Doll.
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The customization Irontech Upraded Skeleton is available for the following products:
Supplier: Irontech
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Supplier: Irontech
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Supplier: Irontech
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Supplier: Irontech
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Supplier: Irontech
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Supplier: Irontech
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Supplier: Irontech
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Supplier: Irontech
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For more information about a specific product, simply click on the respective image.
Product Specification Ops Product Specification Ops Irontech IT-162/A The IT-162/A is a life-sized female love doll by Irontech. The IT-162/A has a body height of ca. 162 and weights about 45,5 kg (manufacturer specs).
This doll is made of TPE,
Body measurements: 78,5 cm (breasts) / 63,5 cm (waist) / 99 cm (hips) / 68,5 cm (under bust circumference) / 30 cm (shoulder width) / 52 cm (arm length) / 87 cm (leg length) / 55,5 cm (thigh line) / 35 cm (calf line) / 22 cm (foot length).
Lots of attributes of this love doll may be customized individually; for example, you can select different skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors - just like you are used from other TPE love dolls.
Size: 162 cm
Weight: 46 kg
Breasts: 79 cm
Waist: 64 cm
Hips: 99 cm
Material: TPEPrice: 1.773€
‣ Read more… Irontech IT-164/D The IT-164/D aka 164cm Plus is a life-sized female love doll by Irontech. The IT-164/D has a body height of ca. 164 and weights about 43 kg (manufacturer specs).
The doll is made of TPE.
Body measurements: 81 cm (breasts) / 60 cm (under bust) / 59 cm (waist) / 103 cm (hips) / 38 cm (shoulder width) / 63 cm (arm length) / 34 cm (calf line) / 59 cm (thigh line) / 79 cm /leg length) / 22 cm (foot length).
Lots of attributes of this love doll may be customized individually; for example, you can select different skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors - just like you are used from other TPE love dolls.
Size: 164 cm
Weight: 43 kg
Breasts: 81 cm
Waist: 59 cm
Hips: 103 cm
Material: TPEPrice: 1.892€
‣ Read more… Irontech IT-164/F The IT-164/F is a life-sized female TPE love doll by Irontech. The IT-164/F has a body height of ca. 164 and weights about 40.5 kg (manufacturer specs).
Body measurements: 86 cm (breasts) / 61 cm (under bust) / 54 cm (waist) / 98 cm (hips) / 57 cm (arm) / 38 cm (shoulder width) / 75 cm (leg) / 22 cm (feet).
Lots of attributes of this love doll may be customized individually; for example, you can select different skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors - just like you are used from other TPE love dolls.
Size: 164 cm
Weight: 41 kg
Breasts: 86 cm
Waist: 54 cm
Hips: 98 cm
Material: TPEPrice: 1.773€
‣ Read more… Irontech IT-165/A The IT-165/A is a life-sized female TPE love doll by Irontech. The IT-165/A has a body height of ca. 165 and weights about 34 kg (manufacturer specs).
Body measurements: 76 cm (breasts) / 66 cm (underbreast) / 62 cm (waist) / 88 cm (hips) / 67 cm (arm) / 36 cm (shoulder width) / 29 cm (calf) / 45.5 cm (thigh circum) / 87 cm (leg) / 23 cm (feet).
Lots of attributes of this love doll may be customized individually; for example, you can select different skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors - just like you are used from other TPE love dolls.
Size: 165 cm
Weight: 34 kg
Breasts: 76 cm
Waist: 62 cm
Hips: 88 cm
Material: TPEPrice: 1.728€
‣ Read more… Irontech IT-140/M The IT-140/M is a female TPE love doll by Irontech. The IT-140/M has a body height of ca. 140 and weights about 38 kg (manufacturer specs).
Body measurements: 101 cm (breasts) / 64 cm (underbreast) / 56 cm (waist) / 105 cm (hips) / 66 cm (arm) / 36 cm (shoulder width) / 74 cm (leg) / 21,5 cm (feet).
Lots of attributes of this love doll may be customized individually; for example, you can select different skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors - just like you are used from other TPE love dolls.
Size: 140 cm
Weight: 38 kg
Breasts: 101 cm
Waist: 56 cm
Hips: 105 cm
Material: TPEPrice: 1.728€
‣ Read more… Irontech IT-163/G The IT-163/G aka IT-163 Plus is a female TPE love doll by Irontech. The IT-163/G has a body height of ca. 163 and weights about 36 kg (manufacturer specs).
Body measurements: 96 cm (breasts) / 71 cm (underbreast) / 62 cm (waist) / 94 cm (hips) / 67 cm (arm) / 35 cm (shoulder width) / 31 cm (calf) / 51 cm (thigh circum) / 88 cm (leg) / 22,5 cm (feet).
Lots of attributes of this love doll may be customized individually; for example, you can select different skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors - just like you are used from other TPE love dolls.
Size: 163 cm
Weight: 36 kg
Breasts: 96 cm
Waist: 62 cm
Hips: 94 cm
Material: TPEPrice: 1.708€
‣ Read more… Irontech IT-163/B The IT-163/B aka 163 cm Minus is a female TPE love doll by Irontech. The IT-163/B has a body height of ca. 163 and weights about 36 kg (manufacturer specs).
Body measurements: 86 cm (breasts) / 71 cm (underbreast) / 62 cm (waist) / 94 cm (hips) / 67 cm (arm) / 35 cm (shoulder width) / 31 cm (calf) / 51 cm (thigh circum) / 88 cm (leg) / 22,5 cm (feet).
Lots of attributes of this love doll may be customized individually; for example, you can select different skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors - just like you are used from other TPE love dolls.
Size: 163 cm
Weight: 36 kg
Breasts: 86 cm
Waist: 62 cm
Hips: 94 cm
Material: TPEPrice: 1.892€
‣ Read more… Irontech IT-145 The IT-145 is a female love doll by Irontech. The IT-145 is about 145 cm tall and weights ca. 26.5 kg (manufacturer specs). The doll is made of TPE.
Body measurements: 70 cm (breast line) / 55 cm (under breast line) / 50 cm (waist line) / 72 cm (hip line) / 57 cm (arm) / 71 cm (leg) / 27 cm (feet size) [?] / 31 cm (shoulder width).
Size: 145 cm
Weight: 27 kg
Breasts: 70 cm
Waist: 50 cm
Hips: 72 cm
Material: TPEPrice: 1.405€
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